April 19, 2012 06:34 PM
A Drunkard's Dream - There's a metaphor for a day when policy took a backseat to cookies, aging rockers obsessed with the 2nd Amendment and the 1st Amendment, dog chow and prostitutes in Colombia.
George Stephanopoulos Says the Dog Wars Jumped the Shark - "Voters in the end are going to know that Mitt Romney is a good family man and he's got nothing against dogs," said George in his Power Player's video this week. "Voters are going to know that President Obama is not a Muslim or a socialist or someone who hate's America, but a patriotic president."
Is the Factory Half Full? Today's Site of a Former Obama Rally Wasn't the First Empty Factory Mitt Romney Has Stood In To Make a Point About the Obama Economy -Â
http://abcn.ws/HLLuBA Veepstakes -
Chris Christie Today on Whether He'd Be VP - "I also think it is extraordinarily arrogant for you to say you won't even listen to the nominee of your party - especially for me. It's someone who I've been supporting since last October vigorously around the country - that I wouldn't take a call from Mitt Romney." -
http://abcn.ws/IajEkn All Things Secret Service -
Gingrich Has "Camp David Package" and You're Paying For It - According to Elicia Dover's story it "includes but is not limited to six cars, six federal agents, four state troopers at a campaign stop, four local agents when the candidate arrives and a press agent if there is a press bus." More here on how much it's costing taxpayers -
http://abcn.ws/ITvefKCookiegate - Pennsylvania Bakery Effective at Marketing, Leads to Democratic Press Release -