Advance directives include:
-Health care power of Attorney
-The living will
Everyone over 18 years should consider assigning power of attorney to someone health care.
welcom to my blog
Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.
Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.
Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.
Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.
Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.
Advance directives include:
-Health care power of Attorney
-The living will
Everyone over 18 years should consider assigning power of attorney to someone health care.
Advance directives include:
-Health care power of Attorney
-The living will
Everyone over 18 years should consider assigning power of attorney to someone health care.
Advance directives include:
-Health care power of Attorney
-The living will
Everyone over 18 years should consider assigning power of attorney to someone health care.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Line 20: {Line 21: _extension = new Extension(this);Line 22: _connection.ConnectionString = _connections["PunConnectionString"].ConnectionString;Line 23: BuildCategoryListView();Line 24: }Source File: c:\Users\Utchin\Downloads\punbbnet_beta\PunBB.Net\Default.aspx.cs Line: 22
Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.From: RussiaRegistered: 2008-06-25Posts: 20Re: PunBB.NET betaUtchin wrote:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Line 20: {Line 21: _extension = new Extension(this);Line 22: _connection.ConnectionString = _connections["PunConnectionString"].ConnectionString;Line 23: BuildCategoryListView();Line 24: }Source File: c:\Users\Utchin\Downloads\punbbnet_beta\PunBB.Net\Default.aspx.cs Line: 22
You have to run http://
If you are going to use MS Access 2003 don't forget to put your *.mdb file into App_Data dir.
UtchinPunBB senior memberOfflineRegistered: 2007-02-09Posts: 758Re: PunBB.NET betaCan I run sql server 08?
Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.Registered: 2006-08-26Posts: 184Re: PunBB.NET betait's a advanced step for punbb
Registered: 2008-10-15Posts: 79Re: PunBB.NET betaUtchin wrote:Can I run sql server 08?
Yes, it works with SQL Server 08
UtchinPunBB senior memberOfflineRegistered: 2007-02-09Posts: 758Re: PunBB.NET betaDo we not need the Database Schema ??
Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.From: RussiaRegistered: 2008-06-25Posts: 20Re: PunBB.NET betaThx for your replies!
You can find it here
Finnaly got my server working and I must say you guys have done a good job on it! You have done allot.
Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.Registered: 2008-10-15Posts: 79Re: PunBB.NET betaPunBB.NET demo is available here
Registered: 2008-12-12Posts: 1,671Re: PunBB.NET betaDemo: I must say that it loads very nice - good speed - smooth transition. Nice job.
Registered: 2009-02-04Posts: 1Re: PunBB.NET betaNever tried PunBB, yet I got to love it very quickly, for it's simplicity and ease of costumization.
I still prefer PHP that's a non-Micro$oft language. And because I alredy understand and know how to deal with it
Still good news for those that like it
Thx you guys
We've just opened our SVN with all the information about PunBB.NET.
(I promise that comments we will write in English only ).
what a shame... you would better work on pure PunBB instead of shitty NET -.-
UtchinPunBB senior memberOfflineRegistered: 2007-02-09Posts: 758Re: PunBB.NET betaWorking on .NET is a good side path for Punbb which has a rather large development team.
Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.what a shame... you would better work on pure PunBB instead of shitty NET -.-
I wouldn't go so far as calling .NET shitty, it's better than ActiveX any day of the week.
What I call shitty is the way Microsoft lured Anders Heljsberg away from Delphi so he could create C#. Anders was like a programming God to many of us, by him selling out, he lost his aura, he lost his glow. The .NET platform was more about slowing Sun's Java than to give me or you a really nice programming language, it's the way M$ works, protect the cash cow (Office) at any and all costs.
Utchin wrote:Working on .NET is a good side path for Punbb which has a rather large development team.
Did you mean to say sidetrack
I know that the PunBB team could do anything they desire, after all, this is Open Source, scratch your own itch and all that. But creating a .NET equivalent of PunBB sends the wrong signal.
Bert Garcia - When all you have is a keyboard41 Reply by MattF 2009-02-08 16:34 (edited by MattF 2009-02-08 16:35)From: South Yorkshire, EnglandRegistered: 2007-03-15Posts: 1,956Re: PunBB.NET betahcgtv wrote:What I call shitty is the way Microsoft lured Anders Heljsberg away from Delphi so he could create C#. Anders was like a programming God to many of us, by him selling out, he lost his aura, he lost his glow.
So, it's the fault of M$ and not the programmer who, (one can only assume), buggered off purely and simply for money, (or some other equally shallow motive)?
But creating a .NET equivalent of PunBB sends the wrong signal.
I doubt the overall Pun image can be tarnished much further than it already has been.
From: South Yorkshire, EnglandRegistered: 2007-03-15Posts: 1,956Re: PunBB.NET betaBtw, can we please have the bog standard quote system reinstated. This damned quick quote setup is highly annoying.
So, it's the fault of M$ and not the programmer who, (one can only assume), buggered off purely and simply for money, (or some other equally shallow motive)?
Here is an Anders Hejlsberg tribute page I put up back in 1998. The majority of the links are dead, but I saved the message that Anders sent to Compuserve on his departure and Chuck Jazdzewski's Usenet posting about Anders.
Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
George Santayana
But creating a .NET equivalent of PunBB sends the wrong signal.
I guess it proves what we'd been told on the Flux forums.
fixed wrote:please, though, surprise me, but i'm interpreting this as writing-on-the-wall for php-centric punbb. i came to these forums to grab documentation on the 1.3 api to write some extensions, but i'm put off now.
Same there. I was feeling bad I didn't find the time to finish my extension, now I'm pretty happy with that... When I saw this PunBB.Net news I almost had an heart attack. Now I just need to find another OS BBS...
When I saw this PunBB.Net news I almost had an heart attack
All you guys who are so discouraged because of PunBB.NET should understand that this project will make absolutely no harm to PHP PunBB. I've already wrote it here, but it seems to me i should do it again. PunBB and PunBB.NET are two separate projects. If you don't want to support PunBB.NET it's your choice. And we assure you that PunBB.NET won't replace PHP PunBB.
I was feeling bad I didn't find the time to finish my extension, now I'm pretty happy with that...
I think you should finish your extension
Since there are 2 developers working in that are not working on, there is the loss for punbb I think. Why have 2 teams while could have one bigger more powerfull team?
Also, punbb 1.3 took so long to launch, and now I don't see a punbb 1.3.3 until maybe the end of 2009. I will rather see more mod finished and maybe an upgrade routine that does not truncate all of your 1.2 forum text in your DB(migration to UTF-8 is broken and should not ship).
Of course there is place for all programing languages, but maintaing 2 code base is like shipping a forum with custom implementation of php5 in php4, a lost of time in my view. "Reuse as much as you can" should be the idea.
Good luck and let see how this evolves
Registered: 2006-03-03Posts: 86Re: PunBB.NET betaI'm sad to see your development team broken in half, this will only slow down PunBB development. I've never heard of a company support a web product for 2 platforms. Especially if you try to keep them at the same level with the same features, I just dont see that working out good at all. Building more extensions for PunBB would of increased its popularity a lot more than any .NET version.
PHP and .NET programming skills are very different. PunBB.NET devs are not too good in PHP and we are not good in .NET. So we couldn't just join .NET-team to PHP-team - this would be useless. And vice versa.
Registered: 2006-06-07Posts: 80Re: PunBB.NET betaSo why don't you hire two more php devels? I have no problem against ASP, but I only have fear that punbb 1.4 will take the same time to develop that 1.3 did.
If .net developers are not hired, then just ignore this message
Very nice indeed.
I must say, .NET 1 seemed a bit crappy, but I've had a chance to use .NET 3.5 at work, with VS2008, and it is AWESOME
Also note that it is not ASP, but ASP.NET. Worlds of difference between them
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Always advocate for the patient. When in a bind, ask yourself, "Self, what is best for my patient?" You can see only one patient at a time. The patient is the patient in front of only you.
Adolescence is evolving: the age of onset of puberty is falling, the age at which you obtain social roles is growing mature
Pilot sends aircraft into a dive after mistaking Venus for incoming aircraft"happened to most of us," begins the CNN ... North American-based pilots flying eastward at night to Europe are at increased risk of fatigue-related performance issues
We are ready to recommend aspirin for cancer prevention? Http:// and lancet
The first time in 1967, Kawasaki disease is now the leading cause of acquired heart disease in developed countries of prednisolone to standard treatment with IVIG improves coronary artery results in severe Kawasaki disease
Bullying, victimization is associated with a myriad of emotional and behavioural problems throughout adolescence
Thoughts for new medical students from the editor BMJ in 2003, still mostly relevant.
Consumer expectations for Healthcare Social Media
Women are much more reactive than men of the time, and the satisfaction of life decreases with rain (studio)
Use of Social Media by Western European hospitals: longitudinal study shows that some awareness grows
2012: update of Geriatrics as part of our practice to change, what do you think of CCJM-
Family history: still relevant in the genomic era CCJM-
Articles were selected from my streams of Twitter and Google Reader.
Always advocate for the patient. When in a bind, ask yourself, "Self, what is best for my patient?" You can see only one patient at a time. The patient is the patient in front of only you.
Adolescence is evolving: the age of onset of puberty is falling, the age at which you obtain social roles is growing mature
Pilot sends aircraft into a dive after mistaking Venus for incoming aircraft"happened to most of us," begins the CNN ... North American-based pilots flying eastward at night to Europe are at increased risk of fatigue-related performance issues
We are ready to recommend aspirin for cancer prevention? Http:// and lancet
The first time in 1967, Kawasaki disease is now the leading cause of acquired heart disease in developed countries of prednisolone to standard treatment with IVIG improves coronary artery results in severe Kawasaki disease
Bullying, victimization is associated with a myriad of emotional and behavioural problems throughout adolescence
Thoughts for new medical students from the editor BMJ in 2003, still mostly relevant.
Consumer expectations for Healthcare Social Media
Women are much more reactive than men of the time, and the satisfaction of life decreases with rain (studio)
Use of Social Media by Western European hospitals: longitudinal study shows that some awareness grows
2012: update of Geriatrics as part of our practice to change, what do you think of CCJM-
Family history: still relevant in the genomic era CCJM-
Articles were selected from my streams of Twitter and Google Reader.
Always advocate for the patient. When in a bind, ask yourself, "Self, what is best for my patient?" You can see only one patient at a time. The patient is the patient in front of only you.
Adolescence is evolving: the age of onset of puberty is falling, the age at which you obtain social roles is growing mature
Pilot sends aircraft into a dive after mistaking Venus for incoming aircraft"happened to most of us," begins the CNN ... North American-based pilots flying eastward at night to Europe are at increased risk of fatigue-related performance issues
We are ready to recommend aspirin for cancer prevention? Http:// and lancet
The first time in 1967, Kawasaki disease is now the leading cause of acquired heart disease in developed countries of prednisolone to standard treatment with IVIG improves coronary artery results in severe Kawasaki disease
Bullying, victimization is associated with a myriad of emotional and behavioural problems throughout adolescence
Thoughts for new medical students from the editor BMJ in 2003, still mostly relevant.
Consumer expectations for Healthcare Social Media
Women are much more reactive than men of the time, and the satisfaction of life decreases with rain (studio)
Use of Social Media by Western European hospitals: longitudinal study shows that some awareness grows
2012: update of Geriatrics as part of our practice to change, what do you think of CCJM-
Family history: still relevant in the genomic era CCJM-
Articles were selected from my streams of Twitter and Google Reader.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Line 20: {Line 21: _extension = new Extension(this);Line 22: _connection.ConnectionString = _connections["PunConnectionString"].ConnectionString;Line 23: BuildCategoryListView();Line 24: }Source File: c:\Users\Utchin\Downloads\punbbnet_beta\PunBB.Net\Default.aspx.cs Line: 22
Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.From: RussiaRegistered: 2008-06-25Posts: 20Re: PunBB.NET betaUtchin wrote:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Line 20: {Line 21: _extension = new Extension(this);Line 22: _connection.ConnectionString = _connections["PunConnectionString"].ConnectionString;Line 23: BuildCategoryListView();Line 24: }Source File: c:\Users\Utchin\Downloads\punbbnet_beta\PunBB.Net\Default.aspx.cs Line: 22
You have to run http://
If you are going to use MS Access 2003 don't forget to put your *.mdb file into App_Data dir.
UtchinPunBB senior memberOfflineRegistered: 2007-02-09Posts: 758Re: PunBB.NET betaCan I run sql server 08?
Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.Registered: 2006-08-26Posts: 184Re: PunBB.NET betait's a advanced step for punbb
Registered: 2008-10-15Posts: 79Re: PunBB.NET betaUtchin wrote:Can I run sql server 08?
Yes, it works with SQL Server 08
UtchinPunBB senior memberOfflineRegistered: 2007-02-09Posts: 758Re: PunBB.NET betaDo we not need the Database Schema ??
Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.From: RussiaRegistered: 2008-06-25Posts: 20Re: PunBB.NET betaThx for your replies!
You can find it here
Finnaly got my server working and I must say you guys have done a good job on it! You have done allot.
Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.Registered: 2008-10-15Posts: 79Re: PunBB.NET betaPunBB.NET demo is available here
Registered: 2008-12-12Posts: 1,671Re: PunBB.NET betaDemo: I must say that it loads very nice - good speed - smooth transition. Nice job.
Registered: 2009-02-04Posts: 1Re: PunBB.NET betaNever tried PunBB, yet I got to love it very quickly, for it's simplicity and ease of costumization.
I still prefer PHP that's a non-Micro$oft language. And because I alredy understand and know how to deal with it
Still good news for those that like it
Thx you guys
We've just opened our SVN with all the information about PunBB.NET.
(I promise that comments we will write in English only ).
what a shame... you would better work on pure PunBB instead of shitty NET -.-
UtchinPunBB senior memberOfflineRegistered: 2007-02-09Posts: 758Re: PunBB.NET betaWorking on .NET is a good side path for Punbb which has a rather large development team.
Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.what a shame... you would better work on pure PunBB instead of shitty NET -.-
I wouldn't go so far as calling .NET shitty, it's better than ActiveX any day of the week.
What I call shitty is the way Microsoft lured Anders Heljsberg away from Delphi so he could create C#. Anders was like a programming God to many of us, by him selling out, he lost his aura, he lost his glow. The .NET platform was more about slowing Sun's Java than to give me or you a really nice programming language, it's the way M$ works, protect the cash cow (Office) at any and all costs.
Utchin wrote:Working on .NET is a good side path for Punbb which has a rather large development team.
Did you mean to say sidetrack
I know that the PunBB team could do anything they desire, after all, this is Open Source, scratch your own itch and all that. But creating a .NET equivalent of PunBB sends the wrong signal.
Bert Garcia - When all you have is a keyboard41 Reply by MattF 2009-02-08 16:34 (edited by MattF 2009-02-08 16:35)From: South Yorkshire, EnglandRegistered: 2007-03-15Posts: 1,956Re: PunBB.NET betahcgtv wrote:What I call shitty is the way Microsoft lured Anders Heljsberg away from Delphi so he could create C#. Anders was like a programming God to many of us, by him selling out, he lost his aura, he lost his glow.
So, it's the fault of M$ and not the programmer who, (one can only assume), buggered off purely and simply for money, (or some other equally shallow motive)?
But creating a .NET equivalent of PunBB sends the wrong signal.
I doubt the overall Pun image can be tarnished much further than it already has been.
From: South Yorkshire, EnglandRegistered: 2007-03-15Posts: 1,956Re: PunBB.NET betaBtw, can we please have the bog standard quote system reinstated. This damned quick quote setup is highly annoying.
So, it's the fault of M$ and not the programmer who, (one can only assume), buggered off purely and simply for money, (or some other equally shallow motive)?
Here is an Anders Hejlsberg tribute page I put up back in 1998. The majority of the links are dead, but I saved the message that Anders sent to Compuserve on his departure and Chuck Jazdzewski's Usenet posting about Anders.
Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
George Santayana
But creating a .NET equivalent of PunBB sends the wrong signal.
I guess it proves what we'd been told on the Flux forums.
fixed wrote:please, though, surprise me, but i'm interpreting this as writing-on-the-wall for php-centric punbb. i came to these forums to grab documentation on the 1.3 api to write some extensions, but i'm put off now.
Same there. I was feeling bad I didn't find the time to finish my extension, now I'm pretty happy with that... When I saw this PunBB.Net news I almost had an heart attack. Now I just need to find another OS BBS...
When I saw this PunBB.Net news I almost had an heart attack
All you guys who are so discouraged because of PunBB.NET should understand that this project will make absolutely no harm to PHP PunBB. I've already wrote it here, but it seems to me i should do it again. PunBB and PunBB.NET are two separate projects. If you don't want to support PunBB.NET it's your choice. And we assure you that PunBB.NET won't replace PHP PunBB.
I was feeling bad I didn't find the time to finish my extension, now I'm pretty happy with that...
I think you should finish your extension
Since there are 2 developers working in that are not working on, there is the loss for punbb I think. Why have 2 teams while could have one bigger more powerfull team?
Also, punbb 1.3 took so long to launch, and now I don't see a punbb 1.3.3 until maybe the end of 2009. I will rather see more mod finished and maybe an upgrade routine that does not truncate all of your 1.2 forum text in your DB(migration to UTF-8 is broken and should not ship).
Of course there is place for all programing languages, but maintaing 2 code base is like shipping a forum with custom implementation of php5 in php4, a lost of time in my view. "Reuse as much as you can" should be the idea.
Good luck and let see how this evolves
Registered: 2006-03-03Posts: 86Re: PunBB.NET betaI'm sad to see your development team broken in half, this will only slow down PunBB development. I've never heard of a company support a web product for 2 platforms. Especially if you try to keep them at the same level with the same features, I just dont see that working out good at all. Building more extensions for PunBB would of increased its popularity a lot more than any .NET version.
PHP and .NET programming skills are very different. PunBB.NET devs are not too good in PHP and we are not good in .NET. So we couldn't just join .NET-team to PHP-team - this would be useless. And vice versa.
Registered: 2006-06-07Posts: 80Re: PunBB.NET betaSo why don't you hire two more php devels? I have no problem against ASP, but I only have fear that punbb 1.4 will take the same time to develop that 1.3 did.
If .net developers are not hired, then just ignore this message
Very nice indeed.
I must say, .NET 1 seemed a bit crappy, but I've had a chance to use .NET 3.5 at work, with VS2008, and it is AWESOME
Also note that it is not ASP, but ASP.NET. Worlds of difference between them
Pages Previous 1 2 3 NextYou must login or register to post a reply
Keep it simple and free
If the content of the blog is great and engaging, you do not need much knowledge of HTML, CSS, etc. Knowing HTML doesn't hurt, of course, but is not essential.
Keep it simple and free. Many doctors are invited to wrong to spend time and money on custom installations of WordPress, hosting, social media consultatants when all they need is a Google/Blogger blog with a custom domain name.
"Blogging is the teaching, whether it's for yourself or others and that is the best feeling in the world"
Speaking from personal experience, my blog has reached more than 8 million page views and I have never used external aid for the launch of blog or maintenance. I don't think the content of my blog is that great or original, plus a few mind map diagrams, shortcuts, and how-to articles to social media-it's just my personal digital netbook that I share with the world.
I usually publish a post per day during the week to CasesBlog and AllergyNotes. They are scheduled 2-3 months in advance and automatically publish unless you change the day before they are due for publication.
Http:// "Blogging is the teaching, whether it's for yourself or others and that is the best feeling in the world"
Comment by Google Plus:
Ahmad Gandour, January 25, 2012: this is a great Council will consider starting a blog in the near future Wino really interesting post post check your post every day in the morning while I'm checking journal watch and news letter thanks for these great BEJM post.
Ves Dimov, M.D., January 25, 2012: thank you for your interest. I usually publish a post per day during the week to CasesBlog and AllergyNotes. They are scheduled 2-3 months in advance and automatically publish unless you change the day before they are due for publication.
Ahmad Gandour, January 25, 2012: thanks for the info I have booked marked the both pages I'm going to check every day
Ves Dimov, M.D., January 25, 2012: you can subscribe to the RSS feed in this way there is no need to visit the website each day-the new post is delivered to your RSS reader (Google Reader) or e-mail.
Ahmad Gandour, January 25, 2012: Did:)
Jill Celeste, January 25, 2012: Blogger is the perfect tool for a doctor. Great post!
Keep it simple and free
If the content of the blog is great and engaging, you do not need much knowledge of HTML, CSS, etc. Knowing HTML doesn't hurt, of course, but is not essential.
Keep it simple and free. Many doctors are invited to wrong to spend time and money on custom installations of WordPress, hosting, social media consultatants when all they need is a Google/Blogger blog with a custom domain name.
"Blogging is the teaching, whether it's for yourself or others and that is the best feeling in the world"
Speaking from personal experience, my blog has reached more than 8 million page views and I have never used external aid for the launch of blog or maintenance. I don't think the content of my blog is that great or original, plus a few mind map diagrams, shortcuts, and how-to articles to social media-it's just my personal digital netbook that I share with the world.
I usually publish a post per day during the week to CasesBlog and AllergyNotes. They are scheduled 2-3 months in advance and automatically publish unless you change the day before they are due for publication.
Http:// "Blogging is the teaching, whether it's for yourself or others and that is the best feeling in the world"
Comment by Google Plus:
Ahmad Gandour, January 25, 2012: this is a great Council will consider starting a blog in the near future Wino really interesting post post check your post every day in the morning while I'm checking journal watch and news letter thanks for these great BEJM post.
Ves Dimov, M.D., January 25, 2012: thank you for your interest. I usually publish a post per day during the week to CasesBlog and AllergyNotes. They are scheduled 2-3 months in advance and automatically publish unless you change the day before they are due for publication.
Ahmad Gandour, January 25, 2012: thanks for the info I have booked marked the both pages I'm going to check every day
Ves Dimov, M.D., January 25, 2012: you can subscribe to the RSS feed in this way there is no need to visit the website each day-the new post is delivered to your RSS reader (Google Reader) or e-mail.
Ahmad Gandour, January 25, 2012: Did:)
Jill Celeste, January 25, 2012: Blogger is the perfect tool for a doctor. Great post!
Keep it simple and free
If the content of the blog is great and engaging, you do not need much knowledge of HTML, CSS, etc. Knowing HTML doesn't hurt, of course, but is not essential.
Keep it simple and free. Many doctors are invited to wrong to spend time and money on custom installations of WordPress, hosting, social media consultatants when all they need is a Google/Blogger blog with a custom domain name.
"Blogging is the teaching, whether it's for yourself or others and that is the best feeling in the world"
Speaking from personal experience, my blog has reached more than 8 million page views and I have never used external aid for the launch of blog or maintenance. I don't think the content of my blog is that great or original, plus a few mind map diagrams, shortcuts, and how-to articles to social media-it's just my personal digital netbook that I share with the world.
I usually publish a post per day during the week to CasesBlog and AllergyNotes. They are scheduled 2-3 months in advance and automatically publish unless you change the day before they are due for publication.
Http:// "Blogging is the teaching, whether it's for yourself or others and that is the best feeling in the world"
Comment by Google Plus:
Ahmad Gandour, January 25, 2012: this is a great Council will consider starting a blog in the near future Wino really interesting post post check your post every day in the morning while I'm checking journal watch and news letter thanks for these great BEJM post.
Ves Dimov, M.D., January 25, 2012: thank you for your interest. I usually publish a post per day during the week to CasesBlog and AllergyNotes. They are scheduled 2-3 months in advance and automatically publish unless you change the day before they are due for publication.
Ahmad Gandour, January 25, 2012: thanks for the info I have booked marked the both pages I'm going to check every day
Ves Dimov, M.D., January 25, 2012: you can subscribe to the RSS feed in this way there is no need to visit the website each day-the new post is delivered to your RSS reader (Google Reader) or e-mail.
Ahmad Gandour, January 25, 2012: Did:)
Jill Celeste, January 25, 2012: Blogger is the perfect tool for a doctor. Great post!
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Line 20: {Line 21: _extension = new Extension(this);Line 22: _connection.ConnectionString = _connections["PunConnectionString"].ConnectionString;Line 23: BuildCategoryListView();Line 24: }Source File: c:\Users\Utchin\Downloads\punbbnet_beta\PunBB.Net\Default.aspx.cs Line: 22
Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.From: RussiaRegistered: 2008-06-25Posts: 20Re: PunBB.NET betaUtchin wrote:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Line 20: {Line 21: _extension = new Extension(this);Line 22: _connection.ConnectionString = _connections["PunConnectionString"].ConnectionString;Line 23: BuildCategoryListView();Line 24: }Source File: c:\Users\Utchin\Downloads\punbbnet_beta\PunBB.Net\Default.aspx.cs Line: 22
You have to run http://
If you are going to use MS Access 2003 don't forget to put your *.mdb file into App_Data dir.
UtchinPunBB senior memberOfflineRegistered: 2007-02-09Posts: 758Re: PunBB.NET betaCan I run sql server 08?
Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.Registered: 2006-08-26Posts: 184Re: PunBB.NET betait's a advanced step for punbb
Registered: 2008-10-15Posts: 79Re: PunBB.NET betaUtchin wrote:Can I run sql server 08?
Yes, it works with SQL Server 08
UtchinPunBB senior memberOfflineRegistered: 2007-02-09Posts: 758Re: PunBB.NET betaDo we not need the Database Schema ??
Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.From: RussiaRegistered: 2008-06-25Posts: 20Re: PunBB.NET betaThx for your replies!
You can find it here
Finnaly got my server working and I must say you guys have done a good job on it! You have done allot.
Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.Registered: 2008-10-15Posts: 79Re: PunBB.NET betaPunBB.NET demo is available here
Registered: 2008-12-12Posts: 1,671Re: PunBB.NET betaDemo: I must say that it loads very nice - good speed - smooth transition. Nice job.
Registered: 2009-02-04Posts: 1Re: PunBB.NET betaNever tried PunBB, yet I got to love it very quickly, for it's simplicity and ease of costumization.
I still prefer PHP that's a non-Micro$oft language. And because I alredy understand and know how to deal with it
Still good news for those that like it
Thx you guys
We've just opened our SVN with all the information about PunBB.NET.
(I promise that comments we will write in English only ).
what a shame... you would better work on pure PunBB instead of shitty NET -.-
UtchinPunBB senior memberOfflineRegistered: 2007-02-09Posts: 758Re: PunBB.NET betaWorking on .NET is a good side path for Punbb which has a rather large development team.
Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.what a shame... you would better work on pure PunBB instead of shitty NET -.-
I wouldn't go so far as calling .NET shitty, it's better than ActiveX any day of the week.
What I call shitty is the way Microsoft lured Anders Heljsberg away from Delphi so he could create C#. Anders was like a programming God to many of us, by him selling out, he lost his aura, he lost his glow. The .NET platform was more about slowing Sun's Java than to give me or you a really nice programming language, it's the way M$ works, protect the cash cow (Office) at any and all costs.
Utchin wrote:Working on .NET is a good side path for Punbb which has a rather large development team.
Did you mean to say sidetrack
I know that the PunBB team could do anything they desire, after all, this is Open Source, scratch your own itch and all that. But creating a .NET equivalent of PunBB sends the wrong signal.
Bert Garcia - When all you have is a keyboard41 Reply by MattF 2009-02-08 16:34 (edited by MattF 2009-02-08 16:35)From: South Yorkshire, EnglandRegistered: 2007-03-15Posts: 1,956Re: PunBB.NET betahcgtv wrote:What I call shitty is the way Microsoft lured Anders Heljsberg away from Delphi so he could create C#. Anders was like a programming God to many of us, by him selling out, he lost his aura, he lost his glow.
So, it's the fault of M$ and not the programmer who, (one can only assume), buggered off purely and simply for money, (or some other equally shallow motive)?
But creating a .NET equivalent of PunBB sends the wrong signal.
I doubt the overall Pun image can be tarnished much further than it already has been.
From: South Yorkshire, EnglandRegistered: 2007-03-15Posts: 1,956Re: PunBB.NET betaBtw, can we please have the bog standard quote system reinstated. This damned quick quote setup is highly annoying.
So, it's the fault of M$ and not the programmer who, (one can only assume), buggered off purely and simply for money, (or some other equally shallow motive)?
Here is an Anders Hejlsberg tribute page I put up back in 1998. The majority of the links are dead, but I saved the message that Anders sent to Compuserve on his departure and Chuck Jazdzewski's Usenet posting about Anders.
Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
George Santayana
But creating a .NET equivalent of PunBB sends the wrong signal.
I guess it proves what we'd been told on the Flux forums.
fixed wrote:please, though, surprise me, but i'm interpreting this as writing-on-the-wall for php-centric punbb. i came to these forums to grab documentation on the 1.3 api to write some extensions, but i'm put off now.
Same there. I was feeling bad I didn't find the time to finish my extension, now I'm pretty happy with that... When I saw this PunBB.Net news I almost had an heart attack. Now I just need to find another OS BBS...
When I saw this PunBB.Net news I almost had an heart attack
All you guys who are so discouraged because of PunBB.NET should understand that this project will make absolutely no harm to PHP PunBB. I've already wrote it here, but it seems to me i should do it again. PunBB and PunBB.NET are two separate projects. If you don't want to support PunBB.NET it's your choice. And we assure you that PunBB.NET won't replace PHP PunBB.
I was feeling bad I didn't find the time to finish my extension, now I'm pretty happy with that...
I think you should finish your extension
Since there are 2 developers working in that are not working on, there is the loss for punbb I think. Why have 2 teams while could have one bigger more powerfull team?
Also, punbb 1.3 took so long to launch, and now I don't see a punbb 1.3.3 until maybe the end of 2009. I will rather see more mod finished and maybe an upgrade routine that does not truncate all of your 1.2 forum text in your DB(migration to UTF-8 is broken and should not ship).
Of course there is place for all programing languages, but maintaing 2 code base is like shipping a forum with custom implementation of php5 in php4, a lost of time in my view. "Reuse as much as you can" should be the idea.
Good luck and let see how this evolves
Registered: 2006-03-03Posts: 86Re: PunBB.NET betaI'm sad to see your development team broken in half, this will only slow down PunBB development. I've never heard of a company support a web product for 2 platforms. Especially if you try to keep them at the same level with the same features, I just dont see that working out good at all. Building more extensions for PunBB would of increased its popularity a lot more than any .NET version.
PHP and .NET programming skills are very different. PunBB.NET devs are not too good in PHP and we are not good in .NET. So we couldn't just join .NET-team to PHP-team - this would be useless. And vice versa.
Registered: 2006-06-07Posts: 80Re: PunBB.NET betaSo why don't you hire two more php devels? I have no problem against ASP, but I only have fear that punbb 1.4 will take the same time to develop that 1.3 did.
If .net developers are not hired, then just ignore this message
Very nice indeed.
I must say, .NET 1 seemed a bit crappy, but I've had a chance to use .NET 3.5 at work, with VS2008, and it is AWESOME
Also note that it is not ASP, but ASP.NET. Worlds of difference between them
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Dr. Breslow, who tied up good habits for longevity, dies at 97-NYTimes worked for him. Its recommendations: do not smoke; drink with moderation; sleep seven to eight hours; exercise at least moderately; eat regular meals; maintain a moderate weight; eat breakfast. Dr. Breslow found that a 60-year-old who followed the recommended seven healthy behaviors would like a 30-year-old who followed in less than three.
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Articles were selected from my streams of Twitter and Google Reader.
Dr. Breslow, who tied up good habits for longevity, dies at 97-NYTimes worked for him. Its recommendations: do not smoke; drink with moderation; sleep seven to eight hours; exercise at least moderately; eat regular meals; maintain a moderate weight; eat breakfast. Dr. Breslow found that a 60-year-old who followed the recommended seven healthy behaviors would like a 30-year-old who followed in less than three.
Activation of free fatty acid receptor 1 (FFAR1) by TAK-875 experimental drug Offers hope as new diabetes therapy
Vitamin D doesn't improve academic performance in children (studio)-also does not help patients with pneumonia
Phthalates can double risk diabetes-phthalates are chemicals found in cosmetics, scented candles, plastics
Endangered species, found in Chinese herbal medicines ...
Google began Google Scholar magazines ranking metrics for Google top 100 magazines and NEJM is no longer the "top dog" according to the metric g scholar publications. The most cited NEJM article is "vitamin D deficiency" followed by "CT-An increasing source of radiation exposure"
NEJM has now 17 interactive medical cases- free online full-text
12-Word Social Media policy from Mayo Clinic: Don't Lie, don't pry, don't Cheat, you cannot delete, do not steal, do not reveal
Chinese herbal medicines made from plants may be responsible for Aristolochia urinary tract cancer-BMJ
5 Futures for academic medicine. "Drivers of change in academic medicine:" Great fame "asking buyers to healthcare"-PLoS Medicine
FDA approves "PET Scan Alzheimer" by Eli Lilly-radioactive agent florbetapir Tags sticky clumps of amyloid in the brain
Articles were selected from my streams of Twitter and Google Reader.