April 24, 2012 04:00 AM
Pick Me - Dick Cheney led George W. Bush's vice presidential search effort and ultimately chose Dick Cheney. Today, he said this about the process: "I've been involved in a number of vice presidential searches - some more successful than others…
"I think the single most important criteria has to be the capacity to be president - that's why you pick them," Cheney said. "[The selection] gives the public a chance to see what you're like."
http://abcn.ws/Js6kd6Cheney also talked about his recent heart transplant and past bad habits, including smoking two to three packs of cigarettes per day -
http://abcn.ws/I5uudBJohn Edwards on Trial - Dispatches from Jim Hill in Greensboro - The Defense: "The truth may be a sin, but it is not a crime. John Edwards has not asked us to paint a picture of him as virtuous. … He admits he cheated. He admits he lied."
http://abcn.ws/K3sptA The Face of Rubio's DREAM, Not Sold on Rubio's Dream - When Marco Rubio Talks about his version of the Dream Act, he mentions Dartmouth-bound Daniela Pelaez, an 18-year-old valedictorian and aspiring molecular biologist who faces deportation because she is undocumented, as an example for why such a plan needs to be developed. But Pelaez, whose attendance at Dartmouth hinges on her ability to stay in the country, doesn't believe the sketch of Rubio's plan goes far enough, according to this must-read profile from Arlette Sanez -Â
http://abcn.ws/I1cwUv Mitt Romney, who campaigned today with Rubio in Pennsylvania, didn't exactly endorse Rubio's plan, according to Emily Friedman -Â
http://abcn.ws/Im8Y2EImmigration at SCOTUS - A guidebook by Ariane de Vogue ahead of Wednesday's arguments -
http://abcn.ws/HX0Tz3 Spy Drone Copy? - "I don't want to get into the particulars of that program," Panetta told reporters during a flight to Bogota, Colombia Monday, "but I think I can tell you based on my experience that I would seriously question their ability to do what they say they have done."Â
http://abcn.ws/IzOt17 In the Sun, Under the Rain, At Midday or Midnight, There's all that you'd ever want on the Champs-ElysÃ
es - Instead of talking VP picks, Romney reminisced about vacations in Paris and strolling down the Champs Elysees when asked by a French journalist about his time in the country. He didn't mention the two years he spent there as a missionary - "The best memories were with my wife on vacations from time to time in France… The last vacation we had there, walking around the city of Paris, walking not just on the Champs Elysee but walking over to the Jardin of Luxembourg and around the city."
http://abcn.ws/Jshxuo Flashback: Now-Romney Staffers Criticized 'Wheelin' and Dealin' Rubio - Romney Campaign Spokeswoman Andrea Saul had some not-so-nice things to say about possible VP nominee Rubio just two years ago, when the now Florida senator was running against Saul's then boss, Charlie Crist. -
http://abcn.ws/IhOa8g Boehner: 1 in 3 Chance GOP Loses House - Jon Karl Recommends - In an interview to air tomorrow on Fox News, John Boehner warns it will be "a real challenge" for Republicans to keep control of the House in November and, playing odds-maker, he says "there's a one in three chance we could lose." That's quite a contrast from the usual bluster you usually hear going into an election. Nancy Pelosi, for example, was boldly predicting a big victory for Democrats even as voters were going to the polls in November 2010.
Secret Service Scandal - White House press secretary Jay Carney said that last Friday a White House lawyer began an investigation of the team members who were in Cartagena during the prostitution scandal, and that it found "no indication of any misconduct" by the White House team. The decision to review the advance team was made by the White House counsel and the chief of staff's office, Carney said. He declined to confirm how many interviews were undertaken or any other details. "I don't think it's useful to get into the details of how the review was conducted," Carney said. "I don't have, and I'm not going to give you, a blow-by-blow of what is involved in the review."
Carney was pressed about a report on the news website Nextgov that said a person in the White House Communications Agency, a military group that informs the president and his staff members, was under investigation. He declined to answer questions about it, saying they were for the Defense Department instead -
http://abcn.ws/JwBsIgAllen West Off the Agenda - The Martin County branch of the NAACP uninvited Rep. Allen West, R-Fla., from a fundraiser where he was scheduled to be the keynote speaker over comments he made in which he called colleagues in the House communists.
http://abcn.ws/I5usSP With Endorsers Like These… - Matt Negrin reports that Rudy Giuliani endorsed Mitt Romney today. And yes, that is the same Giuliani who said of Romney, "never seen a guy change his positions on so many things, so fast, on a dime. Everything."
http://abcn.ws/J5ApJO Marion Barry Claims Comments Weren't Racist - Amy Bingham reports that Marion Barry has doubled down on comments about shops owned by Asians in his district, which he called "dirty shops," saying they "ought to go."
http://abcn.ws/JrlwYU Behind Closed Doors at the Anti-Obama Machine - Jake Tapper takes viewers inside the GOP war room -