Friday, October 21, 2011

Gevaren van Fluoride- en massa medicatie rapportage

Mass medication through water systems of the world began in 1951 with fluoridation. The optimum level was originally set at the rate of 1 part per million (1ppm) and considered safe.Fluoridation of the public drinking water however has many risks and dangers.

The most obvious question we must ask in trying to assess the purpose of this unusual action taken to medicate the public water supplies, is to enquire as to its real purpose. Health authorities approved fluoridation ostensibly is for the improvement of the teeth of the people. The assumption is that fluoride will improve tooth enamel and that all people will require the same amount of this chemical regardless of their age.

Firstly there is irrefutable evidence from prominent medical researchers, showing this chemical that is sufficiently toxic as to have asserted its place as a rat poison, is also harmful to humans when ingested.

In spite of this, fluoride not only continues to be used in many chemical and even pharmaceutical products but has for decades been deliberately pumped into our Australian public water supplies in spite of extensive demonstrations of objection by groups and individuals. This has left a situation where those members of the community who do not wish to have the quality of their drinking water downgraded in this way must purchase water filters in their home, laboratories, factories and hospitals. Food processing and therapeutic products and industries have been particularly affected. It would be difficult to assess the negative damage to the health of the whole community.

Logical arguments have had no influence in changing the decisions of health departments and medical authorities on a national scale in Australia and will have not the power to do so as long as state governments retain the authority on health issues. Over the years, many scientists and individuals from many countries in the world have put forward their objections. These include the following points as a basis for their argument.....

Regarding the claimed benefit to dental health:

Firstly why should it be seen to be a priority over any other health issues prevalent in the community, such as heart trouble, cancer, diabetes and other diseases? Only a minute percentage of public water will be consumed by children in the suggested time frame when there is potential benefit to their developing teeth. In fact, over-dosing of fluoride produces irregularities in the enamel of children. Appreciating that the recommended safe dose is 1ppm but difficult to guarantee that pumping stations produce an accurate dilution of the toxin in amounts that are totally safe......and that a tube of toothpaste contains up to 1500 ppm and a can of commercial fruit juice contains about 2.8 ppm and mouth rinses from 230-900 ppm we can only conclude that the majority of people in western countries are probably over the toxic limit of ingestion of fluoride prior to any water content analysis. This factor alone leaves commercial enterprises open to exhaustive litigation as the councils and water authorities and even dentists. Gum irritations and allergies are common, not only in those using fluoride toothpaste but in drinking water and medical drugs that are fluorinated.

African American children are shown to be more susceptible to fluorosis or tooth mottling than whites. This demonstrates a need to consider racial constitution as a factor in mass medicine. Those who choose to medicate with fluoride and are persuaded it is to their dental benefit are free to do so through controlled tablet intake.


Need for Pure Water

It has always been acknowledged that pure water is the basis of good health so accent should be directed by responsible community guardians towards extracting any untoward elements in the water rather than injecting toxic substances into it, even at 1ppm. There is no way to demonstrate that there is any scientific way to control the amount of fluoride any individual will ingest through their water intake because of personal differences in habit, thus making it, along with any other proposed mass medication, an offence against medical principles.

Compulsory Medication is Unethical

To endure compulsory medication through water, the most essential element for health represents a pollution that offends both our aims to good health and is a crime against our democratic principles of personal freedom of choice.

Proven Dangers and Risks

Excessive fluoride or fluorine components in the body that can occur with certain medical drugs produce mild to extreme symptoms and even fatal consequences. The dangers are not only physical such as interfering with thyroid function but include extreme mental and emotional irregularities. This has been a line of research following outbreaks of violent and irrational behavior of young teenagers that have been demonstrated over the last years.

Obesity - Heart Disease - Kidney problems- Cancer -

Obesity is now reaching epidemic proportions in western countries. The toxic affect of fluoride upon the function of the thyroid gland is considered to be a causative factor. As aluminium cookware was last century considered a serious cause of cancer and dementia, fluoride toxicity is suspected of being a factor in this as in many other diseases such as bone deformation, premature aging and nerve and brain diseases. Seemingly co-incidental with fluoridation of water supplies in the twentieth century has been the explosion of cancer and other serious health issues.

Brain and Mental Disease

Many generally prescribed medications and drugs in western countries contain fluoride in considerable amount to make them questionable negative factors and suspected of being the cause of many allergies and conditions as serious as psychotic behavior, depression, and inhibited mental abilities. Warnings include many specific drugs such as Prozac, Luvoc, Lescol, Lipitor, Crestor, Baycol with the last having been removed from the American market after fatalities from adverse reactions.


Pregnant Women are advised to take no fluoride as it can damage brain function and hormones in the foetus.


Elderly are at equal risk as fluoridated water is indicated as a possible main cause of Alzheimer's and dementia.


Children have been harmed by fluoridation and medications containing flurorine and derivatives to the extent that the numerous cases have led to parents forming support groups to lobby for changes. Most recent research shows the link between fluoride and Asperger's disease and autism because of the accumulative lead component involved.

Political Tarnish:

Motivation for the introduction of tons of fluoride into public water supplies is tarnished by considerations that are politically rather than therapeutic in their aims. This is a subject that has been explored by some who seek a reason for such an extreme and illogical action such as fluoridation. Some go further to claim that the practice violates the Nuremberg code regarding restriction on human experimentation.

Industrial Pollution:

The practice is claimed as a convenient dumping ground for industrial wastes. Some believe that the aluminium and fertilizer industries that produce fluoride as a by-product found a convenient and profitable disposal of toxic waste in the public water supply. Fluoride buried in the earth kills plant life. In the air kills stock. In the water...?


There is an almost overwhelming amount of evidence accumulating in scientific journals and forums warning of the dangers and risks of our present water fluoridation system upon health. It is widely accepted that it is unsafe a method and entirely uncontrollable in dosage. The factor of chemical allergy and damage to physiological function also give cause for great concern. On these issues there are many doctors and scientists adding their voice and is best said by Dr Arvid Carlsson, Nobel Prize winner for Medicine (2000). "I am quite convinced that water fluoridation, in a not-too-distant future, will be consigned to medical history...Water fluoridation goes against leading principles of pharmacotherapy, which is progressing from a stereotyped medication - of the type 1 tablet 3 times a day - to a much more individualized therapy as regards both dosage and selection of drugs. The addition of drugs to the drinking water means exactly the opposite of an individualized therapy."

Dr Peter Mansfield physician from UK and member of the advisory board to the government review of fluoridation (2000) states...

"No physician in his right senses would prescribe for a person he has never met, whose medical history he does not know, a substance which is intended to create bodily change, with the advice: 'Take as much as you like, but you will take it for the rest of your life because some children suffer from tooth decay.' It is a preposterous notion." The very existence of an organization 'Parents of Fluoride Poisoned Children', founded by Andreas Schuld, a recognized leading expert on fluorides, says enough.

International Consent/Dissent:

The International Dental Federation (FDI) first recommended water fluoridation in 1951. In Europe, since that date it is estimated that more than 53 million people who endured water fluoridation for years are now free of its pollution. Many countries have now ceased the practice. There are now only 6 countries where the people are still compelled to drink fluoridated water: USA, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Columbia and Singapore.

Australia - fluoridation, in spite of hot protest and many public demonstrations is now in many states. At one time the Tasmanian government sought to pass a Bill to "Prohibit public meetings on fluoridation." Our Australian Constitution allows 'the provision of..medical and dental services, but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription.' On this basis in time fluoridation and any further attempt at mass medication will be banned.

Austria - Some report fluoride has never been added to the water supply but others say in 1956. and that caries in children decreased after stopping in 1973.

Belgium -on the basis that drinking water is not the place to deliver medicinal treatment to people fluoridation was never accepted

Canada -The Green Party of Canada seeks to end water fluoridation in Canada by introducing legislation that will ban fluoridation in Canada at the federal level, effectively overriding any and all local mandates that say otherwise. At present fluoridation of water is in current use but remains a highly controversial issue.

Japan introduced in 1952, stopped 1972 with subsequent rejection of artificial fluoridation. Sweden introduced in 1952 and withdrawn 1971 Sweden banned fluorides in drinking water, toothpaste and food.

Norway - In the later 1990's decision was taken against ever fluoridating the water

Finland introduced 1959 in one town stopped 1993 for the right of individual freedom to enjoy pure water.

Netherlands introduced 1953 withdrawn 1976 after legal ruling of the Supreme Court that there was no legal basis for fluoridation.

China- Fluoridation is banned

Czech Republic - since 1993 no treatment with fluoride has taken place on the basis of it being uneconomical, against ecological patterns, unethical, and its toxicological influence debatable.

Denmark - No Danish city has ever been fluoridated

European Union Less than 2% of the drinking water in Europe is fluoridated.

France - Fluoride is not added to treatment of water for ethical as well as medical reasons.

Germany introduced 1952 and withdrawn in 1971. It is now banned as unethical. German Democratic Republic introduced in 1959 and withdrawn 1990.

Greece - has never fluoridated water, perhaps in order to retain democratic freedom?

Hungary - once fluoridated but ceased in 1960's and now chooses to remain so.

India - has been working hard to eliminate naturally occurring fluorides from drinking water that is high in the natural groundwater. 17 of its 32 states are afflicted with people suffering crippling skeletal fluorosis without adding more toxic material.

Israel - after serious study and recent suspension of mandatory fluoridation in 2006, it is now rejected.

Italy -has strict laws against adding fluorides to drinking water.

New Zealand - is in two minds and is recently urging promotion of fluoridation.

Northern Ireland - for a short period only fluoridation in two localities but later ceased.

Scotland - never had fluoridation been introduced and in 2004 plans to add fluoride to the country's water system continued to be rejected.

Spain- a few areas practiced fluoridation of the water supplies

Switzerland in 2003 the country voted to cease Basel's water fluoridation program that had been functioning for about 40 years.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics introduced 1960 stopped 1990

United States of America 60% of the States fluoridate their water but 200 cities have withdrawn it.

UK- fluoridation is considered by many who are fighting for its ban, to be illegal medical research. They argue that its implementation is against freedom and constitutional rights of the individual. Against all opposition, efforts of health agencies continue to push for further fluoridation of Britain, with the same power as occurred at a critical time before decision to join the European Union and surrender of the national will to its dictates.

From the information which is available to us all on the internet, the problems are considerable and cannot be commented on in detail enough to satisfy our enquiry here. There are about 202,000 postings on the dangers of fluoridation and 432,000 and 727 videos on the subject on the side effects of fluoridation, presenting us with a considerable amount of data to consider if we wish to explore this controversial matter for ourselves and assess without bias the reports of professionals.

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