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Let the games begin! "The Hunger Games" movie opens this week on the heels of its novelization in a bestselling Young Adult book trilogy. "March felt SO far away," says fan site The Hunger Games Blog. "But guess what?! It's here! The Hunger Games will premiere on silver screens nearly everywhere this weekend!!" THR reported that by this Wednesday the movie "already had whipped up north of $15 million in ticket sales and cracked Fandango's all-time top five presellers, overtaking The Twilight Saga: Eclipseand Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1." Says fansite "I can't wait to see the numbers next week! I've done my part for sure, since I'm going to the midnight premiere with my brother tonight and to an IMAX showing on Saturday!" (Gee, hope you like it!). But will The Hunger Games be even better than Twilight? "Given that The Hunger Games does not feature a spineless doormat in love with a controlling, condescending stalker, yes, I can almost guarantee that," says E! Live from the Red Carpet.

Ok, now breathe. Gawker asks a key question: "Seriously, What Are The Hunger Games and Why Should I Care if I'm Not 14?" They proceed to explain what it's all about in a detailed summary of the book, plus a glossary. Business Insider (which is always our go-to source for insight into 14-year-old girls) spills "10 things you need to know" about The Hunger Games story.
Apparently the whole thing involves much killing of kids, and making them fight each other and grovel for food. Penn Badgley, a celebrity of some kind who attended the L.A. premiere this week, likened The Hunger Games to Occupy Wall Street: "It's the one percent [killing the kids]," he told Vulture at the premiere after-party. "I think you'd have to be blind to not see that. I was shocked to see all that in there." (Can't we just leave anti-Wall Street sentiments to The Muppets and The Lorax?). There also have been comparisons to that Kony 2012 video about abuses of children in Udanga that recently went viral. Says NPR's Monkey See blog: "It's a coincidence that highlights the single truth at the heart of both nightmares: Children who live in poverty are easy prey." A campaign called "Hunger is Not a Game" is piggybacking on the popularity of the book and movie to spread the world about global hunger. Says the Imagine Better site: "In the world of the Hunger Games series, everything is controlled by the Capitol, which uses power and money to punish the districts...Katniss, Gale and the citizens of District 12 are forced to break the law to keep from starving, to maintain an informal and illegal market so that they can eat. Sound familiar?"

In what is probably a bad juxtaposition here, the fitness website Daily Burn came up with a Hunger Games diet, "so you can simultaneously slim down and gain the strength to 'be an archer like Katniss or a powerhouse like Cato.'," explains The Hollywood Blog. And just in time for Spring there is this too: "Whether you're a bride-to-be, a maid of honor, or just a party planner, we've come up with some creative and fun ways to incorporate The Hunger Games in your wedding celebrations," says Tres Sugar. "The book series may be dark, but it is filled with romance."

Meanwhile, in the real world, Mad Men is coming back to TV for its fifth season, and if you haven't been inoculated against the nostalgia virus, get ready to become infected. Banana Republic introduced a Mad Men-inspired clothing line -- in a fashion show on a jet airplane! Says PSFK: "The items included cigarette pants and floral fitted dresses for women, and colorful polos and classic navy blazers for men." Estee Lauder is offering a Mad Men cosmetics line, "inspired by the bold lips, the rouge cheeks, and the general 1950s feminine put-together-ness that the show's leading ladies pull off so swell," says Allure's Daily Beauty Reporter blog. Bourbon Blog serves up a recipe for a Mad Men inspired cocktail. Not surprisingly, it's named the Old Fashioned. Newsweek is getting in on the old-school vibe by continuing to publish itself just like in the olden days, when $1 would get you a nice sandwich, not the the entire Newsweek publishing operation. No, actually, Newsweek is getting its vintage duds on by publishing its latest issue with a retro style cover featuring the Mad Men cast and ads inside designed to look like 1960s-era classics. Says AdFreak: "Some are original from the period, while others reimagine modern-day campaigns as they might have looked in the '60s." FastCoCreate has the complete portfolio of ads here.
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