Thursday, May 3, 2012

Newt's Greatest Hits, Vols 1 and 2, Sarong-Clad Young Obama in Love, Bachmann's New View on Romney (PM Note)

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Newt's Greatest Hits, Vols 1 and 2, Sarong-Clad Young Obama in Love, Bachmann's New View on Romney (PM Note)

May 02, 2012 06:23 PM
What Newt Leaves Behind
- A legacy of great debate moments and material for the Obama campaign  -

- Jon Karl Lists his Greatest Hits - Vol. 1 -

- Greatest Hits - Vol. 2 -

- $4 million in debt owed to staffers and jilted sign makers -

- A 'Goodnight Moon Colony' Spoof -

- Insult to Injury - Did Mitt Romney Steal Your Joke? -

- Obama campaign puts out Newt/Romney Video -
Gossip Girl - Obama's Old Flames Unmasked by David Maraniss - For Obama in New York in the '90s there are protestations of love, ("Thank you," Barack responded.), a sarong, dinner parties, coffee and cigarettes, shirtless afternoons, and letters on T.S. Eliot, class structure, and bourgeois liberalism.  Mitt Romney may have been an English Major, but Obama sounds very much the part in this Vanity Fair excerpt -

Bachmann will Endorse Romney Tomorrow in Virginia
Flashback - 1/1/12 -
Jon Karl - Let me ask you about the others. Mitt Romney. Can he beat Obama?
Michele Bachmann - No he cannot beat Obama because his policy is the basis for Obamacare. The signature issue of Obama is Obamacare. You can't have a candidate who has given the blue print for Obamacare.  It's too identical. It's not going to happen. We have got to have a candidate, a bold distinct candidate in the likeness of Ronald Reagan….
Romney will Meet Santorum in Pittsburgh Next Week -

Hours After Obama Leaves, Explosions Rock Kabul  -

Afghanistan Subtext and Unanswered Questions from Major Garrett - "Obama wants to be the American who stayed. Who didn't botch victory by heading for the hills. But will America follow his lead? Will Congress?"

Bill Clinton Reviews Caro Book on Johnson - Joel Siegel writes: As a politician, Clinton was notorious for running late and speaking well past the allotted time. His infamous speech at the 1988 Democratic went on for so long, it nearly wrecked his national political career before it began. But Clinton was a model freelancer for The Times, meeting all deadlines and submitting a tightly organized and written essay after he was told "he could have as much space as he wanted," said Sam Tanenhaus, the editor of The Times Book Review. "We hardly touched it," Tanenhaus added. "We do a vigorous fact check of every review. This one barely needed it. There was almost no work to do. He gave us a finished piece of copy."
Mass Watch -
- Scathing Howie Carr on Warren - Headline: "White and wrong: On the reservation with Elizabeth Warren -

- Elizabeth Warren Defended Listing Herself as Native American - she was trying to meet people -

- Sen. Scott Brown Criticized for Keeping Daughter on His Health Insurance -

"Politics is Weird and Creepy" - What Twitter Likes This Afternoon - Shep Smith on how politics "lacks the loosest attachment to anything like reality." -

Veepstakes QOTD - Paul Ryan on Fox News - ""If they ask me to consider it, then I'll consider it" (Falcone)
Cell Phone Video Captures Romney's Candid Thoughts on Wealth -

Designer of Ann Romney's $1K Shirt Says It's Off The Rack -

Women in Secret Service Scandal Not Tied to Terrorism, Cartels -

Romney, In Va., Says He'll Be Obama Opposite -

Joe Biden Jokes About Irish Heritage at Cinco de Mayo Celebration -

Campaign Spending Topped $1B Last Year -

Wis. Recall: Gov. Walker In Dead Heat With Top Dem -

Water Guns Banned, Handguns Allowed at GOP Convention -

Richard Mourdock, 2012's Low-Key Tea Partier -


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