Medical and social media: http://goo.gl/pIrgh "How to stop worrying and learn to Love the Internet"
Consumer expectations for Healthcare Social Media http://goo.gl/REXqV
Because all hospitals need Twitter accounts: Google ranking of a URL associated with the number of Tweets about this URL http://goo.gl/AYf9t
Interviewed deleted as candidate, because the your Klout score was too low (34), "Have hired a guy whose score was 67". Even if you don't have any idea what the Klout score is, there is a chance that it already is affecting your life. People with formidable Klout will start aboard planes, get free access to VIP lounges airport, stay in hotel rooms better and receive deep discounts retail stores. A two-week vacation social media might cause your Klout score for a dive. http://goo.gl/ABu2S
13 things you never knew you could do on LinkedIn http://goo.gl/mh4da
100 ways to use Twitter In education, the degree of difficulty http://goo.gl/lAs5v
Pack the right gadgets for the road-NYTimes http://goo.gl/SmQgA
A http://goo.gl/kpvJT Review of Living Language and Rocket languages-App Smart-NYTimes
10 Http://goo.gl/24FpW HTML Tags all new bloggers should learn
Is this the future of Khan Academy? http://goo.gl/xtErX-biology Bozeman on YouTube http://goo.gl/GUry5
Many consumers worldwide worry that the technology is overtaking their lives http://goo.gl/cJj5e
Articles were selected from my streams of Twitter and Google Reader.
Comment by Twitter:
Heidi Allen @ dreamingspires: social media health-worth reading-Klout and Google rankings tied to tweets.
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