Infidelity in men is how common?
As expected, the results were variable. Some surveys reported that 1.5-4% of married men had extramarital coitus in any given year, 23.2% of other men who have cheated during their current relationship.
Lifetime prevalence of infidelity was between 15% and 50%.
What are the factors related to infidelity?
Men with more extramarital affairs have often a dysfunctional primary relationship.
Authorship and conflict within the family are associated with a higher risk of having an affair.
Unfaithful men display a higher testicular volume androgenization, increased sexual desire and sexual functioning better.
What are the clinical implications of infidelity in men?
Some studies have suggested that having an affair could have a negative impact on cardiac morbidity and mortality. Infidelity in men seems to be associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular events.
Fisher to Bandini and Rakes G, G, M Crown, Monami and Mannucci and Sexual m. Maggi and cardiovascular correlates of male infidelity. J sex Med, 2012.
Image source: OpenClipart.org, in the public domain.
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